Information session about STAY DC rent assistance for Briya students. Interpretation will be provided.
SPANISH - Wednesday, May 26 at 10:30am
ENGLISH - Wednesday, June 2 at 10:30am
Please sign up to get Zoom link and participate.
English sign up https://forms.gle/6MEWpFquxdrBUNbcA
Spanish sign up https://forms.gle/cBxJxX1X43V6vqqD8
Briya Voices for All meets every Friday during Child Development. You can choose to attend the morning meeting OR afternoon meeting.
Need food or medicine?
Volunteers run errands and deliver to your home.
Call or text in your language:
Ward 1: (202) 681-9183
Ward 2: (202) 688-5812
Ward 3:(202) 556-1315
Ward 4: (202) 681-3098
Ward 5: (202) 643- 7030
Ward 6: (202) 683-9962
Wards 7 & 8: (202) 630-0336
My ward? https://planning.dc.gov/whatsmyward
Food Resources
For food help, call Briya Monday – Friday 9am-5pm
Delivery of food, medicine and other items.
Only for families with COVID-19.
call 1-888-349-8323
or https://gethelp.dc.gov/#/display/5e8fc72943cabd0212198a8b
Martha's Table
2375 Elvans RD SE
Monday-Friday 11am-4pm
Community Pop-up Grocery Distribution
1474 Columbia Rd, NW
Monday-Friday 11am-4pm
UPO-Petey Greene (2907 MLK Jr Ave SE) @ 1:00 PM
Roundtree Residences (2515 Alabama Ave SE) @ 1:30 PM
Washington Highlands (4335 4th St SE) @ 2:00 PM
Spanish Catholic Center - 16th and Monroe in Mt Pleasant NW
Catholic Charities has a new number for clients to register for the food program 202-996-0690. They will get a call and info to pick up groceries 1 Wednesday per month.
16th & Monroe
Feed the Fridge Program
Fridges with free meals prepared by restaurants every day at these DC recreation centers. No ID or registration needed.
· Rumsey Aquatic Center
· Arthur Clapper Recreation Center
· Fort Stanton Recreation Center
· Bald Eagle Recreation Center
· Raymond Recreation Center
· Emery Heights Community Center
-Roosevelt STAY High School
-Rita Bright Family and Youth Center
-Langdon Education Campus
-Ivy City Clubhouse and Court
-Ballou High School
-Tubman Element
More information here:
Senior Wellness Centers
1. Bernice Fonteneau Senior Wellness Center, Ward 1
Meals will be available for pick up between 10am-2pm
3531 Georgia AVE NW, Washington DC 20010
2. Hattie Holmes Senior Wellness Center, Ward 4 (Near Briya FT and SHARPE)
Meals will be available for pick up between 10am-2pm
324 Kennedy ST NW, Washington DC 20011
3. Model Cities Senior Wellness, Ward 5
Meals will be available for pick up between 10am-2pm
1901 Evarts ST NE, Washington DC 20018
Meals will be available for pick up between 10am-2pm
500 K ST NE, Washington DC 20002
5. Washington Senior Wellness Center, Ward 7
Meals will be available for pick up between 10am-2pm
3001 Alabama AVE SE, Washington DC 20020
6. Congress Heights Senior Wellness Center, Ward 8
Meals will be available for pick up between 10am-2pm
3500 Martin Luther King Jr. Dr Ave SE, Washington DC 20032

The Greater DC Diaper Bank created Diaper Need Hubs as a solution during the COVID pandemic. https://greaterdcdiaperbank.org/our-programs/diaperhubs/
LAYC- Mothers 18yrs old- 24 years old
3045 15th ST NW
Call beforehand to make sure they have the size available: (202) 713-0475
Monday through Friday, 9-5. Clothes distribution closet opens April 5th, 2021. Open to DC residents, just have to pass the COVID screening upon entering the building.
Bread for the City has partnered with Mutual Aid for Diapers:
You may also email or fill out google forms for your ward:
Food delivery
Call your Ward's Mutual Aid for help with food and other items you need:

Impact DMV C.A.R.E.S, will be giving out boxes of FREE Food this coming Saturday (and every 1st Saturday of the month) from 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Free Food at Community Organizations
Allen Chapel AME Church 
Fridays, 9:30am-12pm 1st, 3rd and 5th 
Mobile Market 8:30am-10:30am
2498 Alabama AVE SE, Washington DC 20020
Father McKenna Center
Monday-Thursday 1:30pm-4pm
19 I ST NW, Washington DC 2001
Martha's Table Market at the Commons
Monday-Friday 11am-4pm
Tuesdays 11am-6pm
2375 Elvans RD SE, Washington DC
Martha's Table at the Maycroft (near Briya Ontario road site) ​
Monday-Friday 11am-4pm
1474 Columbia Rd, NW Washington DC 20009
N ST Village *bagged foods*
Breakfast 7am-8:30am daily
Lunch 12-12:30pm daily
1333 N ST NW, Washington DC 20005
Urban Outreach
Thursdays and Saturdays 10am-2pm
5343 C ST SE, Washington DC 20019
Catholic Charities (Centro Catolico)
Call to register 202-996-0690
Catholic Charities will call you with information to pick up groceries 1 Wednesday per month.
1618 Monroe St NW, Washington DC 20010
Help in DC for food and other items