Information session about STAY DC rent assistance for Briya students. Interpretation will be provided.
SPANISH - Wednesday, May 26 at 10:30am
ENGLISH - Wednesday, June 2 at 10:30am
Please sign up to get Zoom link and participate.
English sign up https://forms.gle/6MEWpFquxdrBUNbcA
Spanish sign up https://forms.gle/cBxJxX1X43V6vqqD8
Briya Voices for All meets every Friday during Child Development. You can choose to attend the morning meeting OR afternoon meeting.
Infant Week 3: 4/8

Ideas for Infants and Toddlers
What can you say?
I see you are… (Example: I see you are picking up the balls with the spoon.)
I wonder if you can… (I wonder if you can pick up the bottle caps with those sticks)
What if… (What if we put all the cheerios around the plate?)

Pick up cereal put on stick
Materials: playdough, noodles, cereal
Child learns:
-Language- use words (into, around)
-Physical - work with hands and fingers
-Cognitive - imagine, create, shapes

Pipe Cleaners and Colander
Materials: pipe cleaners, colander
Child learns:
-Language - Use words (into, up, through)
-Physical - work with hands
-Cognitive - imagine, create, colors

Use spoon, transfer objects
Materials: Big spoon, toys, bowls, water
Child learns:
-Language - use words (under, up, in, into, round, circle, full, empty)
-Physical - work with hands
-Cognitive -colors; solve problems

Match colors
Materials: Colored bottles, colored circles
Child learns:
-Cognitive - colors, count, attention; solve problems
-Physical - work with hands
-Language - use words (around, same)

Pick up tops with sticks
Materials: Bottle caps, 2 sticks, bowl, water
Child learns:
-Physical - work with hands, balance, hold top with sticks
-Cognitive - colors, count, attention, float or sink; solve problems
-Language - wet, dry, float, sink

Pinch and Pick up Balls
Materials: puff balls, tweezers
Child learns:
-Physical - hand muscles
-Cognitive - colors, count, attention
-language - big, small, inside/outside