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Stay DC information

Information session about STAY DC rent assistance for Briya students. Interpretation will be provided.
SPANISH - Wednesday, May 26 at 10:30am
ENGLISH - Wednesday, June 2 at 10:30am
Please sign up to get Zoom link and participate.
English sign up
Spanish sign up
Briya Voices for All meets every Friday during Child Development. You can choose to attend the morning meeting OR afternoon meeting.
Read-aloud Counting with Frida (Spanish
Mystery box: how many do you feel? (English)
Leer-Salí de paseo
Games with recycled materials
Games with recycled materials: Physical, social emotional
-Use recycled materials
-Practice hand and eye coordination
-Run, jump and play
-Have fun
Pre-K Week 9: 5/18
Retelling stories
Introduction to counting with 5 activities
Counting with pasta (Spanish)
Introduction to 18c; Read- Are You My Mother?
Activities help us retell stories
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