Information session about STAY DC rent assistance for Briya students. Interpretation will be provided.
SPANISH - Wednesday, May 26 at 10:30am
ENGLISH - Wednesday, June 2 at 10:30am
Please sign up to get Zoom link and participate.
English sign up https://forms.gle/6MEWpFquxdrBUNbcA
Spanish sign up https://forms.gle/cBxJxX1X43V6vqqD8
Briya Voices for All meets every Friday during Child Development. You can choose to attend the morning meeting OR afternoon meeting.
Toddler Week 7: 5/4
Materials: Paper and crayons
Talk to your child. What color crayon? Does your child scribble fast or slow? Big or small?
Skills Learned: physical, socio-emotional, language, sensory

Create-Art project with recycled materials
Play-Sort by color
Art project: Cognitive, social emotional, language, physical
-Use imaginations
-Use recycled materials
-Talk about colors
-Have fun and be creative
Sort by color: Cognitive, physical, language
-Cut paper
-Put colors together
-Say color names
Make-Paper animals
Paper animals: Physical, cognitive, language
-Use hands
-Use imaginations
-Talk about animals
-Have fun and be creative
Making a Cave
Making a cave: Cognitive, social emotional, language, physical
-Use chairs, blankets, pillows
-Use imaginations
-Make a house
-Use words and tell stories
-Enjoy cozy space