Information session about STAY DC rent assistance for Briya students. Interpretation will be provided.
SPANISH - Wednesday, May 26 at 10:30am
ENGLISH - Wednesday, June 2 at 10:30am
Please sign up to get Zoom link and participate.
English sign up https://forms.gle/6MEWpFquxdrBUNbcA
Spanish sign up https://forms.gle/cBxJxX1X43V6vqqD8
Briya Voices for All meets every Friday during Child Development. You can choose to attend the morning meeting OR afternoon meeting.
Family Needs Survey
Briya has many ways to help you and your family. This screener will ask you questions about challenges you may be facing. Your answers to these questions will help us connect you to programs and services.
There are 16 questions on this screener, and it will take you 10 to 20 minutes to complete. Every question is optional including your name. Briya can only offer help if you provide your name.